My 4-Day Juice Cleanse Experience

Have you every wondered what it would be like to complete a juice cleanse? For years I heard about friends’ experiences with juicing, but I never had the drive to invest in one myself. Yet, after a month filled with take-out and over-indulgence, I decided it was time to give it a try. 

Choosing The Right Cleanse

With many cleanses now available, I decided to stick with a local juice market near my home, Farmer Jacks. Before purchasing the cleanse, I went online to read the company’s reviews to ensure I was choosing a well-regarded cleanse. I recommend researching the different kinds of juice cleanses and juice shops near you to ensure you are picking the cleanse that best meets your needs.

The Cleanse Structure 

As this was my first time completing a juice cleanse, I chose to complete the 4-day option, eating one small meal per day. But don’t get your hopes up, this one small meal had to follow strict restrictions, consisting of proteins, healthy fats, and vegetables only.

Throughout the day, we were allowed to consume 5 juices. These juices were placed in numerical order to ensure the best detox results.

Juice 1– Detox Power Juice

  • Kale, Cilantro, Apple, Green Grape, Celery, Ginger, Lime.

Juice 2 – Antioxidant Blast

  • Orange, Apple, Carrot, Raspberry, Grapefruit, Ginger.

Juice 3 – Kidney Cleanse

  • Parsley, Celery, Orange, Apple, Parsnip, Cucumber.

Juice 4 – Immunity Booster

  • Carrot, Celery, Apple, Orange, Ginger, Turmeric.

Juice 5 – Liver Cleanse

  • Beet, Carrot, Apple, Orange, Lemon, Ginger.

What I Experienced 

Overall, my experience was very positive. Day one was not as difficult as expected, partially because I was excited to finally be completing the cleanse. However, by Day Two things were not as exciting. Day two was by far my worst day completing the cleanse. Cravings were high, moodiness was rampant, and headaches were a silent killer due to caffeine withdrawals (yes, I gave up coffee too). Day three brought much more energy and fullness to my body, making me feel less moody throughout the day. As much as I enjoyed the cleanse, I was VERY happy to see Day Four arrive.


After completing the cleanse, here’s what I noticed:

  • Less Cravings
  • More Energy
  • Some Weight Loss

Although the juice cleanse was challenging, I was happy with the results and did notice a change in my body. I would complete a juice cleanse again, and but may alter the routine to a 3-day period, without the meal option. This is not something I recommend doing more than once every few months, but if you feel your body needs a reset, then by all means grab a juice!

Have you ever completed a juice cleanse? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!

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